S.A. de Obras y Servicios, COPASA


EMAFESA (Empresa Mixta de Augas de Ferrol, SA) is a public company founded to provide management services for the municipal water supply, sanitation and treatment service. EMAFESA fully manages the water cycle to provide drinking water supply, sanitation and treatment services in Ferrol and supplies drinking water upstream to the municipalities of Narón, Fene, Ares and Mugardos, in Galicia, Spain. The services provided and certified in EMAFESA include water sampling and the performance of physicochemical and microbiological analyses of water for human consumption. EMAFEA defines as General Policy to offer services that fully satisfy customers, in quality, always in strict compliance with current legal regulations; as well as the contractually applicable Codes, Standards and Specifications. Committed to R+D+i, EMAFESA aims to expand its participation in innovation projects.